Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.

How Much Do You Know about Dental Compressor Machine?

In modern dental treatments, dental compressor machine plays a crucial role. They not only provide high-quality compressed air to drive various dental equipment but also ensure the efficiency and safety of the treatment process. This article will delve into the role, design considerations, and application of dental compressor machine in a medical environment.

The Importance of Dental Compressor Machine

Dental medical compressed air systems primarily serve to provide a driving air source for dental treatment equipment. A compressed air system generally consists of compressed air equipment, pipelines, and a compressed air terminal. The compressed air equipment is made up of a compressor, air storage tank, dryer, filter, and controller.

For dental medical compressed air, the main concerns are the quality of the compressed air and the continuity of the air supply. Therefore, backup equipment should be included in the design to ensure continuity of supply. In terms of electrical control design, the power load of the compressed air station equipment should use a first-class load system and a dual power supply method to ensure the continuity of power supply to the compressor room. Each compressor should have an independent control circuit, and each compressor can automatically start to operate in turn to ensure that the total running time of each one is the same.

Design Considerations for Dental Compressor Machine

The location of the air inlet in the compressor room should focus on the air quality around the compressor inlet. According to the "Medical Gas Engineering Technical Specifications": The air inlet of the compressor should be located away from the emission places of pollutants defined for medical air. When the air inlet is set outdoors, it should be 5 meters above the ground, and should face downward with a protective net. When the air inlet is set indoors, the medical air supply source should not be in the same room as the medical vacuum exhaust setup, which needs special attention.

Due to space constraints, some hospitals have to arrange the positive-pressure air compressor room and the negative-pressure air compressor room in the same room. In such cases, the intake pipe of the compressor should be extended to the outdoors or away from the negative-pressure unit. This is because if the exhaust pipe of the negative-pressure unit leaks or the unit needs to be disassembled for maintenance, it may discharge harmful gas components such as viruses and pathogens, becoming a source of contamination for the compressed air, potentially leading to secondary cross-infection within the hospital.

The exhaust requirements of the same machine room are also very important. The operation of the room equipment will generate a large amount of heat, and an excessively high equipment temperature will affect its efficiency and lifespan. Therefore, this heat needs to be expelled through a cooler, which is generally directly discharged into the machine room. If the room is relatively closed, the temperature in the room will rise, which is very detrimental to the normal work of the air compressor equipment. Therefore, from an energy-saving perspective, it is recommended to add an axial flow fan between the room and the outside or to directly discharge the exhaust from the compressor equipment to the outside through an air duct.

Choosing the Right Dental Compressor Machine

In terms of equipment selection for the machine room, it is recommended to use the wholesale oilless air compressor to avoid damage to dental medical equipment by oil. Configuration should preferably adopt a "one for multiple" approach, with machines of the same model for maintenance. To maintain a clean and hygienic environment in the room, it is best to install supply and drainage pipes, as air compression equipment and air storage tanks generally have automatic drainage valves.

Dental compressor machine should avoid the use of oil-lubricated compressors, as even after oil-water separation and filtration, residues in the compressed air are inevitable. Lubricating oil is destructive to oral materials and can also affect the lifespan of precision dental instruments and patient safety. Additionally, since dental treatment has a large instantaneous demand for compressed air, the pressure generally used for dental treatment compressed air is 0.5MPa~0.8MPa. Therefore, it is recommended that dental institutions with the means should design a dedicated dental compressed air system.

Through reasonable design and configuration, dental compressor machine not only can extend the service life of dental equipment but also ensure the safety and efficacy of patient treatment. Choosing the right dental compressor machine is crucial for ensuring smooth dental operations.

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